Monday, March 30, 2009

Inspirations from our New Leader

Hi Zaradon, 

I just wanted to tell you how impressed I was with the change happening in America after the instatement of Barack Obama as our president.  Putting aside the economy, the white house fountain turning green on St. Patrick's day, and the fact that Sarah Palin is not in the cabinet, things are changing.  

I am reminiscing about this past Saturday when we went to that Dino Pow-wow and played Asshole the card-game.  You know the one where people play a card game and people are put into the power of president, and they take/reap the benefits of the player in last place, the asshole. Well, I was inspired that our president's behavior encouraged the president in the game (15 points for Marc) to take on a strategy that was more caring towards those in the trenches, the hard working souls that couldn't cut a break (i.e. Taby).  

The way he decided to let Taby give whatever card she felt was fare as opposed to her best card resulted in:
 (1) a happier environment for all of those playing 
(2) a sense of inspiration about the future of America that commanded me to write this post.  

I think the event exemplified that we can have equality and justice for all, without white-male power reaping all the benefits.  I am pretty sure Taby still gave cards that were fair, and Marc administered equally fair cards back.  I think it was nice to see equal sharing, generosity, and camaraderie across all of the classes implemented by the captilistic nature of this game. What a relief!  Thank you Barack, Michelle, Malia (but not Sasha).  

In conclusion,  Marc's the best, Obama's the second best, Sarah Palin in a close third, and Taby for not taking advantage of the generosity of the "president", which i think we could all do given the chance!

D. Rex

P.s.  If you don't post soon I will hunt you down, make a vocal call to have my cousin-brothers surround you, and take a bite out of your jugular.  

1 comment:

zaradon said...

I will follow President Marc til the ends of the Earth.