Today i took a quiz on which 90210 character I was most like and also heard Forever Young by Alphaville. And it got me thinking of a group of people that get to stay forever young. Adults who play high-schoolers on TV. I thought I would compile a short list of my favorites, and would hope that you might have contributions I may have forgotten.
(1) Gabrielle Carteris (Andrea Zuckerman): If math serves me right she was 30 years old when she played a high school junior.

She looks like she hasn't aged a bit since the 90's. Too bad she looked 50 when she played Andrea.
(2) Benjamin McKenzie (Ryan Atwood): Although he is no Andrea he played a high school freshman while being 25.
(3) Jason Earles (Jackson Stewart): It has been reported that he was 29 in 2007, the year of the premier of Hannah Montana where he plays a high school student. Soon he can get the best of both worlds with student and senior citizen discounts at the movies.
(4) Robin Williams (Jack): In that stupid movie Jack, Robin Williams who is well over 75 plays a middle school student. That is crazy!
That's all I have for now,
Yes, and if my memory serves me correctly, Jason Earles is in fact married. In addition to playing a sex-thirsty high school senior on my second favorite Disney Channel program, he also played a talented teenage saxophone player in one volume of the serialized jerk-off teen comedy series,"American Pie". He's just kind of awesome . . . and delightfully heroic.
Thank you Jeffrey R for making me nog feel so bad about the amount of knowledge i know about the disney channel being over 21
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